Page 60 - YB1990
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Acting Out! If f you weren't year, able either to see a single tion an traditional Miller, setting, WMC's unusual basement musical de- of original if not this score. on main play costume Steve or in Little understage, stage, American Buffalo in a less directed signer, Ba- the boy did you miss out! than ker Chapel, theatre Baker year This "props room" The Chapel. that duced a host of plays the WMC introduced pro- Little as the perfect swap shop run by old served new talent, new directors, new stories, and a Donny Dubrow (played by Andy Wood). slew of new ideas, Two one-act plays, During January Term, students joined to- Dutchman and Line, started off the 1989- gether with Andy Wood to produce the 90 season. Dutchman. was a fierce play children's classic, Beauty and the Beast. about the struggle for control between a Kelly Schoen played Beauty and Rock black man and a white woman. The perfor- Reiser played the long-haired Beast. In mance was riveting and in some ways, pain- March, 33 actors, singers and dancers com- ful. The play, Line. carried on this theme of prised the cast of West Side Story. The control by revealing how ruthless people WMC theatre saw many new faces in this can be in their "fight to be first." In the production including college choir mem- play, the characters, played by Michele bers, Crystal Fox as Maria, and Scott Beh- Patterson, Demetri Lambros, Jim Volwes, rens as Tony as well as many talented oth- Todd Robinson and Rock Reiser, waited in ers. The show was directed bv Ron Miller line (each not really sure what they were and Musical Direction was given by Mar- waiting in line for) and resorted to violence, garet Boudreaux. The final play of the sea- sex, and other such trickery to be first. (It son, Androcles and the Lion, was per- was very funny.) formed in late April. Set in the Comedia Castle of Otronto. an original play by Del Arte style, Pam Kraener (Androcles), David Salem was performed in November. Andy Sapora (the Lion) and the rest of the This play was compacted with medieval vil- cast performed wonderfully to the children lains, heroes, damsels in distress, sword of all ages who saw them in the show. fighting and the supernatural, not to men- Chris Covell
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