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Arts at WMC f one comes to Western Maryland casions this past year. WMC's own jazz looking for the arts, they'll be band, bell choir, string quartet, and chorus found. There is always something could be heard performing several times goingon artistically. Whether it is throughout both semesters, not to mention If a band in the Forum, a comedian the various student recitals in Levine Hall in the pub, a play in the theatre, or an art and Baker Chapel. Students have many op- exhibit in the gallery, there is always some- portunities to join any number of these and thing culturally stimulating todo. This past other ensembles. If not, they can make their year the internationally recognized Bowden own music, as there is often strumming and Trio performed standard and modern clas- singing heard around campus by spirited sical compositions at Alumni Hall as part of students. the Sundays Of Note series. Other perfor- Theatre was quite busy putting on pro- mances were made by the National Gallery ductions of West Side Story, Dutchman, of Art Vocal Ensemble, the Children's Beauty and the Beast, along with many oth- Chorus of Maryland, and Agi Rado. er productions drawing from the talent of There was always an art exhibit running many students and members of the commu- at Gallery One. Everything from collages to nity. watercolors to jewelry could be enjoyed by It would be hard to overlook the cultural students in their free time, as Ihegallery is experiences happening on campus, as the open five days a week for most of the day. Arts are alive and thriving on the Hill! Pub favorites, the Bullets, performed high- Greg Preston ly energetic rockabilly on two separate oc- Gelling cultured, Naba- hiro Taguchi and Leslie Cooper chat about the works 31 the Gallery One opening
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