Page 62 - YB1990
P. 62
Diving In! Expansion & Renovation ® was broken The new library will them and as they entered What on the girls boardwalk have of at n July to, 1989, the ground downs. ups could for the expansion "thrill" the missed of the Hoover and renovation whistle workers having the construction Library. Or, who the library? be almost twice as large, flood in the library hold almost twice as many volumes, will can forget the wonderful finals? Tip-toeing and spring before right will have 530 rnore seats. through an inch of water, or attempting to Included in the renovations are many leap over the puddles, made a person really new features. The new library will have a ready to study! lecture room, an A- V playback center with But, the library is coming along well. It compact disc players, and group study has already won an award for outstanding rooms which will accomodate five to six architecture by the New Jersey Society of people. The library will also have two eleva- architecture and has also been mentioned in tors. Progressive Architecture. The renovations The board of trustees also approved to are expected to be completed in June 199 I, have an on-line computerized catalogue and the dedication will be in October of that system with terminals on every floor. Stu- year. Everyone involved with the new li- dents with personal computers with phone brary is really excited about it. As Dr. Har- hook-ups will be able to use the catalogue old Neikirk, Library Director, said, "For- from their rooms. get the twentieth century, we're moving right into the twenty-first century!" - Mary Hamme (with Dr. Neikirk) Decker center. the alter- native study spot, is com- fortable enough for Erik Siano. Rising 10 new heighlS. the expansion will make the library the new focal point of the campus
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