Page 58 - YB1990
P. 58
When the Carroll Caulfty Bank ATM (which was put in to replace Union National) broke, this window opened up for use. Preparing for the bad news. Christine Winkelvoss opens her mailbox to obtain the cost for next year's Money Anxiety The Financial Bomb ollege holds man.y surprises proximately $14,500 to $15,890. A total of for students. A chance for seven percent in tuition, nine percent for growth and development, ex- room costs, and six percent for board. panded academic horizons, It really makes one feel very thankful, in at and deflated wallets. Not the age of S.D.I., the tearing down of n only are there many distractions at college, Wall, the abolishment of the Communistic there is always the "popular" announce- Party, and the Japanese buy-out of Rocke- ment of the annual tuition increase feller Center. These acts took decades and Justified as they may be, tuition, room millions of dollars. And for the meager and board increases spark anxiety on every price of $18,330, by the year 1993, we too college campus. Western Maryland Col- can learn how to manipulate large corpora- lege isno exception. Many students worry if tions, and manipulate governments, and de- the annual increase will force them to leave sign over-priced, seldom seen electronic de- the HILL. They may even put off that let- vices. Also included in this package are ren- ter home to mom and dad, hopefully trying ovations, improvements, cold food, and a to cushion the dropping of this financial smell your mom would never tolerate. Ah, bomb. college life, ain't it sweet. - Charles Ham- This year's tuition increase is from ap- mond, Jr.
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