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f you have an adventurous mind, Yearbook, that collected the snapshots of you discovered that under the moments to remember and the writings three heavy academic floors of about the life on the Hill, and the brand Memorial Hall, Economics, Eng- new studio, built in collaboration with the If lish and Political Science, there is production company "Frameworks," in the a basement. This is where the Communica- fall, was used for the video class. tion Department is located at WMC, Mys- Moreover, we learned about one of the tery and wonder surrounded the place: most important skills in life: communicat- what kind of knowledge was being passed ing, not only on a one-an-one basis, but also on to the communication majors? through the mass media. We were taught to Besides learning technical skills in class be mass media readers and critical receiv- such as video, writing, TV Reporting and ers of the millions of messages produced Journalism, students had the opportunity to every day in our society. apply them by working for the different Most of all, I learned a lot about myself campus mass media, such as "The Phoe- by understanding how we relate to each nix," the college newspaper, that was other. Communication is the necessary and warmly welcoming reporters all year long; essential vehicle of any knowledge. Each "Uplink," the student-run cable station time I went in the narrow hall downstairs, I that put its program on the air in the spring; found friends (my teachers) ready to help WMC radio, the radio that was blowing the and to talk and some coffee waiting on a airwaves off and was offering the wanna-be table. That is what college is about. deejays their first shot at stardom. COII- trast, the magazine for poets and artists, the Claire Tbevenoux
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