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SOCIETIES m estern Leadership Honor alumni mathematics career to talk about bringing Col- Maryland sored nights, lege has fourteen their back to campus Soci- and professions. The mathematics-related on campus participate projects, through fund raising and tivities throughout eties the year. in special which ac- chapter awards contributes meetings to several scholarships dis- group Each with speakers and also holds member must meet a criterion to be a part cussing various mathematical problems. of the society. The year culminated in a picnic. This year Members of Phi Alpha Theta had the the chapter celebrated the 25th year anni- chance to further explore this area of inter- versary of its founding on campus est with other members from around the Beta Beta Beta members strive for the world through conferences, conventions, goal to seek the truth in biological research. and study abroad programs. This chapter The society invited scientists to talk about has sponsored lectures and films with the their research, with topics ranging from history department, attended conferences plant physiology and cancer research to and hosted this year's Regional Convention wildlife management and the solar system. in April. For college students with an inter- Alumni often returned to inform members est in history, Phi Alpha Theta is not only of career options from the health sciences to an honor society, but an organization with environmental law. This year members par- many possibilities and opportunities. ticipated in the annual Well ness Day and Relaxing k'ilh a book. Kappa Mu Epsilon is a National Honor- May Day activities. Field trips were Rhonda Mize takes some ary Mathematics Society. The object of the rime out 10 read planned to laboratories and the National society is four-fold: to further the interests Aquarium. of mathematics in undergraduate institu- The other societies at WMC are Alpha tions; to help the undergraduate realize the Psi Omega (Dramatic Arts), Lambda Iota important role that mathematics has Tau (Literature), Omicron Delta Epsilon played in the development of Western (Economics), Omicron Delta Kappa Civilization; to develop an appreciation of (Leadership), Phi Lambda Upsilon the power and beauty possessed by math- (Chemistry), Phi Sigma Tau (Philosophy), ematics, due mainly to its demands for logi- Pi Gamma Mu (Social Science), Pi Sigma cal and rigorous modes of thought; and to Alpha (Political Science), Psi Chi (Psy- provide for a society for the recognition of chology), Trumpeters (Leadership), and outstanding achievements in the study of Sigma XI (Leadership). Collaboration mathematics. The WMC chapter spon- of April White, Dr. Lightner, Dr. Alspach.
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