Page 15 - YB1985
P. 15
Senior Sue Steven'on and friend' have 'tlfrled their year of( by JI,tenlng to the rsdio while trying to f1udy. A, you cen teDby the 'mile, on their fa"er. mu,i" and friend. jufl donĀ·, help you set your ItudyinS do~. Sitting In a room In the new Afbet-r Norman Ward. Colin Mct;o/JouSh 'tartf getting blf"k Into the 'wing by dolnl h/f work. Keepln, up with '"hooIwork i, fIOf1If!thlngeveryone trle, to do at the beginning of the Urnefter. but by the end of the f/rft month most people Me behind In their work. Mnt ,rudent, Mve a hard time dec:ldlng where they want thing' p/lKed In their rot:HrW. but ROIl Carter hat gone allule farther. '*ha, made an archltectunl dr.wlng of hi' rDOm and II IIOW trying to Nfl where to plar:e hi' MwIy M:qult"ed furniture. Back to School II
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