Page 11 - YB1985
P. 11
filled evenings during Jan term,' The beginning of the rest crisp, fresh spring days; and of our lives started right here _ scorching hot Sundays in May on We were receiving our liberal the footbal/ field. We had good arts education in 25 accredited times, a few bad, road trips to get major disciplinaries. Students at~ us away, and friends to bring us tend classes through the fall se- back. mester, the January term, and the Each of us spent our year in our spring semester. own way, working for a 4.0, mak- So we find ourselves together ing the social scene, and growing through hazy, hot September up through each other. We made afternoons; breezy, chilly No- it together - al/ through the vember mornings; snowy, fun- year. Opening 7
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