Page 14 - YB1985
P. 14
Here We Go Again Hifving returned to campu, in the After dinner with our par- middle of August, footbaU playe" Summer ended all too ents was over and they took Jack ColI/n. and Ken Brigna!1 sre quickly. Two-week notices off for home we were left to di$cussins plays for a game. while other. ilfe ,tretching out. The team I. were handed in to summer clean, unpack and organize tww ready to .ee If itO the tWO-if-day employers, beaches were our new room. Lofts went preseason practices win payoff. filled to catch those last rays up, carpets went down, re- to maintain tans as long as frigerators were rented, and possible and parents were bit by bit we started to get planning transportation to settled in. bring their kids back to Classes began Monday Western Maryland College. morning and the regular rou- So we said goodbye to our tine began. We bought our families, Ocean City and our books, changed classes and hometown friends and we after one week we felt like took off for Westminster. we had never left. Sunday, September 9th For freshmen, who came was a hot end sweaty day as September the sixth, they we made endless trips up and found the newness exciting down the steps getting every yet somewhat scary, while thing moved into the rooms. 'the sophomores rejoiced at Before any breaks, we head- not being the topic of con- ed to the line forming in versation anymore. Seniors front of Memorial Hall to gel' got "psyched" for their last through matriculation. Al- year wondering where their though the process was four years of college had lengthy, it was agood time to gone. We were back in fufl catch up on our friends' sum- swing, all ready to tackle an- mers. other year. 10 Back to School
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