Page 13 - YB1985
P. 13
A fter classes were over it was our time to do what we wanted. We checked our mailboxes and complained of Uno mail egetn." We went to "Gler" to find out what was on the menu for the day and scope the guys at the salad bar. Once lunch was over some went straight to the books others had to see their soaps. Work Study Students trudged off to add hours to their time sheet while others just napped. Commuters took off for home and found Mom's list of "Please do's" waiting for them. Our time was filled. There were meetings to attend, research to get done, parties to dance at, friends to talk to, rooms to clean and much more. Sometimes we wondered if we'd ever fit everything in to one day. But before we knew it we were turning off the alarm, jumping in the shower and starting all over again. Life 9 Student
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