Page 19 - YB1985
P. 19
We goofed off, we carried on, we avoided studying for as long as we could, but we always ended up HITTING Having already been to the library to study. Junior Mike Paglione is milkinB his way back to the section in order to flip on the good old television set THE BOOKS so thar he can forget everyrhing he hasjusrlearned. excellent place to watch for 5 lowly and un willingly stu- that particular someone. dents attend to the task of After paying a small for- studying. The ungodly basis tune for books, most people of college. Two hours a night find that this well spent mon- at the library set the basis for ey comes to no availbecause those who needed to estsb- some books are never fish a steady schedule for cracked. 50 when the semes- studying. Some spent more, fer ends, most try to sell their others less. books and get some of their Loud noise doesn't seem money back. to bother a few, so they crank It was hard to make our- the stereo while the quier selves study, seii-disciptine seekers search for refuge in was the key to success. The the study lounge of the /i- week of finals brought out brary. Decker Center pro- the studious side of every- vides a relexing spot to finish one. No more "blowing it up some homework such as, of!", because everyone knew stat problems, or highlight- this was the final chance to ~~ยง~~~~~~~;n~g~a~C;ha;p~re;,'~./~ra~/,~o;ac:,,~a~,;an~make the grade. Finding a corner off by yourself 10 srudy is one of the hardesl things to do - especially at Hoover library, where there Isrrwresociallzinglhan studyingl Ah - heres a quiet place, but how long will it last717 a problem related to tomorrow's test. Studying 15
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