Page 112 - YB1981
P. 112
BEST SEASON IN The 1980 soccer season proved to be to win 3-2. After this loss, the WMC a rousing success for the Terrors, who team beat Washington college 3-0 in the finished with an impressive 12·5record. first round of the Maryland State Soccer The soccer team had more wins and Tournament. This placed the Terrors in more shut-outs than any soccer team in the semi finals against Mt St. Mary's. the history of WMC. The 1980 season The Terrors won this time also in a very saw fullbacks. John Schaivone, John rough and physical game. The following "Steady" Anguilla, Bill Delaney, and co' day the WMC soccer team played Seus- captain Jeff Rosenburg play an a ag- bury State in the championship. The gressive defense that led to only 1.2 only goal of the game came off a, goals a game and five shut-outs. Goalies penalty kick, as S.S.c. won the Mary Greg Shadley and Bob Kline also had land State Soccer Tournament 1·0 send- fine defensive seasons, saving 84% .of ing WMC soccer fans home with reo the shots fired at the goal membrances of a fine year and with an Offensively, Albert Mensah had a fine eye to the future. season, contributing a few crucial goals. Individually after the season, fresh· Senior Scott Kallins and sophomore man John Schiavone won Western Bob Wassman scored a total of twelve Maryland Defensive Player of the year, goals during the season. Freshman and Albert Mensah was awarded Offen· Scott Bogart played a crucial role to- sive Player of the Year. Schiavone, Men· wards the end of the season. scoring sen. and goalie Bob Kline were. placed three goals. Junior Randy Butzer and on the team's all·MAC Soccer Team. freshman Chris Beyers also figured Alex Gerus received honorable mention prominently in the Terror offense. on the AII·MAC Soccer Team. Mensah At mid field, John Garman, Tay De· was also awarded Most Valuable Player mir and co-captain Alex Gerus kept the of the Southern MAC. balance between the offense and the de' In 19B1, co-captains John Garman tense. Freshmen John Montayne and and Bob Kline. and fourteen other veter- Bird Brown were key players at midfield an lettermen will return for what looks as the season progressed. like a national ranking, and more requ- During the season, the soccer team lar and post-season play, found themselves ranked nationally from week to week, once as high as twelfth. At the beginning of the season the team won the Salisbury State Col- lege Soccer Tournament by beating Mo ravian 2,0 and West Virginia Wesleyan 2-1. Players from WMC that were named to the All-Tournament team were John Montayne, Alex Gerus, John Shaivone and Bob Kline. After the SSe. tournament, the Terrors lost to Messiah 3-2, but after this setback the Terrors reeled off six straight wins Three consecutive wins followed the Ha vetorc loss, then a passive Terror team lost 2-1 in a slipshod game against Dick· lnson. After this loss, the Terrors reo bounded and played one of their best games of the season against F&M for the MAC Southwest division crown, winning 2-1. This should have meant a bid 10 the NCAA Soccer Tournament, but no bid was received. Nevertheless, the Terrors traveled back to Haveford for the semi-finals of the MAC Cham· pionship. The score was tied 2·2 after regulation. and in the second sudden death overtime period, Haveford scored
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