Page 107 - YB1981
P. 107
"REBUILDING YEAR" The unique feature about this year's Middle Atlantic Conference Volleyball Tournament was that, for once, West- ern Maryland College was not supposed to win. After losing 5 out of 8 starting varsity players to graduation last spring, 1980 was thought to be a season for "rebuilding" The Green Terrors have build fast, and they have built well, as their 27·3·1 record proves. They built a team which shut out Gettysburg College three games to zip in the finals of the MAC'S. WMC returned from the competition with its fifth consecutive, and in the words of coach Carol Fritz, "most seus- fying MAC championship." Some outstanding play by freshmen and the leadership of Jane Kernan and co- captains Maggie Mules and Mary Schiller melded the spikers into a fluid and exciting group. For the freshmen, Donna Mummert and Becky Bankert were the standouts; their front line ec- tion and spiking drawing consistent praise. Missy Wagner, another fresh- man, did well in limited play. Rounding out the team were sophomore Anne Glaeser who began to dominate the net, as well as junior Lydia Cox, a serving specialist. WMC Opponent 3 Notre Dame o "This year has been a more exciting 3 Franklin £. Marshall o one for me than last." commented 3 Gettysburg Coach Fritz, mid-season. "Last year, the 3 Washington expectations were greater and so was 2 Navy the pressure. I didn't know this year 1 Catonsville CC what we'd have, so every win is a gift. 2 UMBC We're competitive with anyone in the 2 Loyola Conference. But the team is still young. 2 Catholic If we don't win it all this year, watch out 3 Messiah nest." Elizabethtown Western Maryland has had a long tra- UMBC dition of volleyball power, and it looks Susquehanna as if it will be a few years before their Gallaudet dynasty will end, if it ever does Towson York Loyola Hood Dickinson 103
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