Page 15 - YB1980
P. 15
MANY PERSPECTIVES I hope TObe happily morried; wont TO my home-mode apple pies wlrh Q busbo-d and a few chil- dren. Of course, I'm going TO hove my own career, bur I'm going TO ond nullify The stigmarism attached fa rncrhers." "1 thinl~ the 80's isgoing to produce a lot of fellowship and love. After all the doubting and hating of The will realize rhor these will only "The eighties is jusr ororrer decode Americans will probably experience The some old heod-shol-fnq issues of The "l'm scared bur I'm con-rene. This is rf-e "During the eighties, I'm going TOmcke my kind of enduring American foirh we all first million" should possess during rhe f'1ew decode." "The eighties ore going to find me travelling quire a br. There is a lor I wont to see ond do before I geT roo old or loose my iniTiative .. "The 80's will merely be another cboprer in our lives, such as our years here or WM( will be. We sholl learn and roke note." "It's really impossible TOpredcr wbor events, ideas, or moods of The new oecooe moy be, and iT'Suseless TOhope. My sern-renrs on The 80's oren'! gOing to chonge a damn Thing" "As 0 1980 gradUOTE'.I'm lool~ing forward to being in The 'real world' ond 011of the coven- rures and opporruniries Thor are parr of it .. "I hope rhor The1980's will bring peace to all ronors and between all rono-s ..
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