Page 14 - YB1980
P. 14
ONE REALITY, truly enlightened me on the each of my children. The first child the pups and marveled or the miracle of birrh The second WQSworried obcor whor we were going TO do with them oiL And the third child exclaimed, "Oh look! More things to love!" WHAT ARE YOUR THOUGHTS ON THE DECADE "I hove several deoerk hopes for the "l'm awaiting the new rechnologicol ad- 80's, especklily in lighTof the sncnco in The vances. The prospect of owning a solarized world roocv. The foremost of These is rhor house and an electric cor excite me " there will be no war, enabling rhor our friends and family con remain with us. I also hope TOgrodume, leaving a major parr of my Iffe behind me, bur keeping alwoys The "I don't know what the eighties will pro- friends and memories of Western Md. Col- duce, but I hope we see the end of Disco and lege. I hope thor we realize our roles as the the death of the Ayatollah" leaders of our norian, roles we will assume in The next decade. It's imporronr rhcr we realize the importance of our roles and The "In the 80's, ore going to be more immense impact we will inevitably have on concerned about rather than Just 'I' The the world we live in the world as we'll norian is going ro have to pull itself together "ape and work as one unit." "For the first half of the new decade, I'll Still be in school; during the second half. I'll prco- "The eighties will probably be a lor lil~e the ably be collecting unemployment " seventies. We'll all siraround and worry about Soviet actions and dreadfully anticipate a oude- or bomb Nevertheless, life will continue as usual"
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