Page 13 - YB1980
P. 13
1960-61 Many of WMC's present Freshmen and sophomores were born this year They were too to watch the 1962 Olympics were In Califor nio and ITaly. They probably don'T This year srorrec aff WiTh bowed remember +or Pioneer V was heads, ACTressMarilyn ManToe died of a launched Thisyear John F. Kennedy ccrbroore overdose, and Thefirsr Ameri was eeoed president, Gald prices cons were I~illedin vee-oro. John Glenn reached a record high on the London become the firsr man TOorbiT The eorrh! rrorker ~.60 on ounce! Inflation was oppcreor as the price of a stomp was raised ro SIl, and rhe minimum wage increased ro 5,1.25 on hour 1968 Americans were roker- aghasT as our leaders were being shot. Pobsrr Kenne- These years were demanding dy and Martin Luther King were I~illedby Antiwar and antiviolence feelings rose TO Sirhan Sirhan and James Earl 8ay, Ufe o deafening pitch, Also rising in qrecr was being erorbeneo. however, as The number was Thefellowship of the Flower first successfulheart rro-splonr was Com- Power and Block Power movements pleted in Arrcc. Richard Nixon was elecr- ec presdam 1973 This was a year Thor held a time of 1972 diminution for the COuntry: the energy crisisand the recession presented them- Marl~ SpiTZwon seven gold rnedols selves TOAmericans. People were STar- for TheUS or the Olympics: orer, The reo furrher with The rosie of defining Olympics yielded The Munich Massa- obscene and legalizing coo-non. Also cre, President Nixon buried McGovern recorded in this year, was Thedocl~ing of in a landsJide victory and mode a the Apollo astronauts with Skylob I historical visit TOPeknq. Unforrunorely for Nixon, Watergore srotec TO be timidly peeped into. Gas was on our- roceous J9!l a gallon! 1979 A form of pornonsm died This year 1978 when John Wayne, The ultimore hero, died. President Caner even diagnosed the American public as having 0 national 914 members of the People's Tem pie in JoneSTOWn,Guyana, commit- malaise, The notion's Technology ted suicide or were murdered. The sprayed debris - radioactive steam es- Corhoks hod Three different Popes in caped from the Three Mile Island power this one year! And the world had the plant and SI~ylaboeces fell over Austra- test-rube baby, Louise Drown lia's OUTback The Shah left his I~ingdom and The exiled Ayorallah Khomeini re- turned in Triumph, The Susan 0, Anthony dollar wasn't so popular.
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