Page 19 - YB1980
P. 19
The Roorn FOUR YEARS AT WMC CAN SEEM LIKE FOREVER Thor is, unril you get caught up in living them. Arriving here os freshmen and conrern- plating upon or least four more years of school. ing otter JUST finishing twelve long ones, ispretty intimidating. Involvement is the key focrcr. sTanding ond wOlchil19 from the sidelines gets tedious and boring Once you srorr to get involved in campus life . the Studies, the friendships you find, and the clubs, reoms ond organizations you join - time begins to go very quicl~ly, Soon, there doesn'T seem to be enough rime; the days fly by and the weekends in a semester go even foster Our college years will be over sooner than we realize and then we will all parr. Thor is why we should toke the rime to get involved in the WMC lifestyle while we srin have the opportunity. Four years here is nor forever, bur the memories are Thor Smile - The f1.eword
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