Page 12 - YB1980
P. 12
DIARY OF THE DECADES With all ThisTall~of The future we de, cced TOodd some memories from the was a decode of greor The 60's past. MOSTof us are near to being rwen- changes and forces. The years Ty years old; two decodes have oossec were calm and oprmsrc, but sec- us by already! TwenTY years of a per ond half of the decode was dominored son's life defies easy description and so by explosive demands over race, YOUTh, do twenty years of a notions ocnons and violence, life-styles and the Vietnam events, In JUSTTWOdecades, we've ex- war. The country witnessed a great perienced qcre a lot. Of course, hiSTory youth rally; youth WOnted freedom doesn'T split into convenient Ten-year without resmcno-s OUTstill, in all the rur View-Moster pockets. bUT a country moil, innovation ron Wild. The 60's grant- does seem to pause and assessThe post ed The US many advances or These times. 1960 A myriad of events, and (lor ol- 1964-65 ways happy ones, took place in '63 A Tragic moment was when Kenne- These TWOsectoos of the 60'5 decode dy was ossossmored in Texes by Lee were violent ones. Dy now, the Vierr-orr- Horvey Oswald. Lyndon Johnson sncron hod become a real war, and rook over The presidency. Morrin Lu U.S.citizens were concerned TOThepoint ther King led the march in Washing· of oescor. Malcolm X was ShOTduring ron . a plea for roco equaliTy and Thistime. Still, the New York World's Fair justice, Musical eorerroorneru was closed in October of '65 WiTh a two changed as The Beorles made their season attendance of over 51,000,000 first tour of The United Stores. The 70's as a decode, was a soldier of 1969 fortune- it unfolded WiTh violence and The new decode starred off with scandal. The years were pocked with musical trouma when rhe Beetles dis- The last year in The 60's decode banded. While people were wondering ended with some events Thor unprecedented bOTrlesand broaching of where TOlook for enrerroomenr, Man ably sricl~in everyone's themes that beforehand hod been pur- day nighTfootball was inaguaroTed. Dur most memorable happening was posely rosen for granted or ignored. The ing This time, The erosion of The dollar U.S. was condemned TO limitations of Apollo 11'5 touch down on The moon was responsible for President Nixon's de natural resources, global security, and Also in This year was the rock concert cision to teeeze Con of the er-nre decode . Woodstock sl~y-rocl~eTinglntlonon. The country was grE'SSdecided TO funds The SST mode to face the ssoes of abortion, ho- which was held in August. America's People were also reading in Thenewspc fovonre game, baseball, made it 0 mosexuality, prernorfrol sex, wife beet pets abOUT a guerillo war in NorThern ing and child abuse. The mood which year to remember TOO; the New Ireland and thor McGovern was running York Mer, defeared The Oalrimore evolved was one of shocked disgrace. for president. Further shock come to The Orioles in the world series The country was a good soldier. American people as gays emerged from their closers 1974·75 Americans swallowed Theirpride in '74; Nixon resigned as president, the Symbionese ljberonon Army kid- The nation celebrayed it's 200th napped Parry Hearst, and srrecsers D'day! Perfectly Timed, Alex Hailey's were OUTexposs-q Themselves to the Rools appeared Howard Hughes died in public. In spr of The cesconc mood this time slot, nor I~nowledgable of The and the escalating inflorion, people loresr in dancing, the Disco. Pertinent is- conspicuously spent more and more sues outside of Thecountry's borders bUT money. ([rs and designer originals nor it's affairs, dealt with Secor's visiTTO thinned many wollers, and Dilly Corter Igael and the release of The Panama made a personal mint from his r.v Conal. AT home, People pondered the appearances. Public awareness come deaths of Ding, Elvis, and Gary Gilmore through with The Family Viewing The Akskon pipeline was finished Hour
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