Page 7 - YB1980
P. 7
Ufe on The WMC campus is 0 myriad of experiences and ccotrcororo-s. To rerurning students, the monifestorion of these ore nor new; they have experienced life be- fore, yet each year 15differenr_ IT new for them in the sense rhor the oeuvres they hove done before and everything they OfE' familiar wirh still yield different situations The freshmen encounter a new surround loq, bUT the environment is nor new; school and schooling is nor on unfamiliar way of life TO ony of the STudents.Srill, each yeor here has Q fundamental freshness; il occurs by learning new concepts, acquiring koowledoe ond es- tablishing friendships. These ore all pcrr of rror- urction and the ability TOfoce life off the cam pus The compus is an old one, yet modernity is here, OUTwardly in The renovations and The oocncos fa buildings, Inwardly, it is present in The conremporary orrtrudes employed The tocotv, srort and students. TradiTion is on grol port of our campus life, still, differenr STU- ceors conccore each year Thus instilling a unique perspective fa The annual evervs YET SOMETHING NEW !
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