Page 154 - YB1972
P. 154
"When talking to students 1aLways Like to use the expression, 'hang loose.' What 1realiy mean by this is that what you're "My rapport is very good with students, in- doing here as far as grades are concerned is reaUy not impor- side the classroom and outside. Because I'm. tant. One should keep an open mind, and of course, take it easy. approachable, 1think most students think they There are more important things in the future." can talk to me." "Ceneraliy, 1try In 'hang loose.' I'm basically easy going, happy-go-lucky, optimistic, and a positive thinker with a sense of humor." dr. dONaldzaudle "Through teaching, J have learned to know more about people, and also to be able to talk to them. Because 1was "1 guess the biggest challenge I've had is to be a always shy, 1couldn't imagine, even in college, standing good teacher because you really have to work at it. in front of a group. 1learned to communicate with people It involves a certain type of personality which you other than in front of a group. 1think Foe realized that the have to master, knowledge of the field, rapport with students are not just students, bUl individuals. Finally, Fve students, and being on top of the situation, because found that academics can be fun; studying can be fun YOu'~; really an actor up front and all eyes are on when you do it on your own. " you "I'm. happy and enjoy what I'm doing." 150
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