Page 153 - YB1972
P. 153
dr: rabat weber "My primary influence to being an undergraduate po- litical science major was a black professor - a great teacher for American government. He was the only black professor I ever had or ever associated with as a student. He was really good. Of course in those days you had to be good, because you had everything going against you. He came through the system, so the idea that if you came through this kind of a system with all the preju- dices against you, you had to be good. I took him for three or four courses. " "Every now and then I have the urge to shave off my beard, but it passes immediately. I've only had a full beard for 3 years; I had a Iiule goatee for about 6 or 7 years. The whole beard thing at that time means a very political thing or a number of ideological things. Mine was really basically that. I didn't want to shave. Then it has the reverse effect, that to shave around the goatee was more of a project than actually if I shaved clean- faced - that's when I felt I was defeating the whole purpose, so I let it grow out." "Every political scientist I guess has either thought of running fur a political office or thought of running some- one. Probably if I were to evaluate my chances of win- ning a political office I would have to make a number of changes in my life style. rd have to be more calculating than I am in order to win an election. Rather than make all these adjustments, I would rather support other people and candidates that. would probably do a beuer job, and try to be an influence that way - it's the old behind the scenes game vs. The one out front. " "Fm: very much concerned about the role of the fac- ulty at a small liberal arts college; the role of the admin- istration in a small liberal arts college, and that there has to be a very strong, working relationship between the administration and the faculty. There cannot be a lack of communication - it must be very open. I think mu- tual respect, consultation, advice - all of these things "The best thing I do with my children is that I listen are very important. I think the [aculcy should be actively to them a lot; that when they talk, I pay attention to involved in the affairs of the school - this is my biggest what they're saying. If I were to summarize it, I'd say ripe; the faculty don't assert their rights and responsibii- that. when you talk to children or students, the thing you %ies to help run, and make decisions concerning the di- have to do is treat them as people. I think this is what I rection 0/ this school. It's basically a mauer of rec- try to do - I deal with them as people. " ognizing your resources, which a good a~ministrator must do, and ulili~ing your resources - I thtnk the fac- ulty is a resource
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