Page 151 - YB1972
P. 151
IIttlrk vidor "I think I've been friends with few people. How deep arc 'friends'? I don't know of many people that I'm close enough to, to reveal myself There arc many that I can be friendly with. I try to be sincere with them, not bullshit them. It means a lot to me that I know their names, and that they know mine. You have your own little place here and know where you fit in." "From all the people I know, I get different per- spectives. I think I've helped a lot 0/ people and there are people who've helped me - I really enjoy that.' I enjoy being friendly with the people around here; re- ally friendly, not just a 'hi, how arc you.''' "I essenucdby want to be kind to people; I don't want to hurt anybody. The really important thing is to act fairly and honestly with friends - then every- thing you do will tum out all right. " "I like the way people act. You in your heart know how you would like to act to others - you know how they could act. " "The time has come to get out of here. . you goua move. Four years is more than enough, considering what· I was doing and how I was growing .. The nostalgia has sorta hit." "Right now, I'm in a pessimistic mood. If "As lime goes on, you become more perceptive - you you'd hit me on a good day - not when I'm can feel yourself grow. You only recognize the changes by ready to leave - it'd all be different. I basicaliy looking back. It's difficult - you end up drawing pictures thin~ I'm a pessimistic person - tlus is what I in your mind, instead of using words. "
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