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smiling laces on campus - eel like working in the post office. It's given me the incentive to want to improve myself in one way or another. " "If I sound like an enthusiastic nut, that's just what I am." "Foe always enjoyed working with the students and being around them." "At first, I had to learn things the hard way. As a consequence, I wasn't always able to handle things in a diplomatic manner. Today, since Tve learned a lot, I do beuer by the students and fac- ulty as well." "The title 0/ Postmistress is an honor. carry it well. " "I like my job as long as Fm out front to see the students, and able to chat, or laugh with them. I feel like a Mother Hen some- times." "I like the friendliness of the students; their interest in humans, the problems they have and talk to me about. It makes me feel accepted, not as an old fogy, but just the lady at the bookstore. " "It's nice to feel liked. If I couldn't be active with them in the store, I know I would leave. " "I really don't know what person would have liked to have been - I have to find myself first. I'm me, but can't explain who me is just now. Maybe someday it will hit me in the face. " cordelia (~isJJ bowers '45
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