Page 146 - YB1970
P. 146
ยท .. To be unselfish to everyone, thinking of others We, the members of the Alpha Chapter of Iota before ourselves ... be tolerant toward those who Gamma Chi, J.G.c., in order to form a more perfect disagree with us realizing our imperfections but chain of friendship and love, and to bind ourselves in striving always toward the goal which we have set closer sisterhood, do ordain and establish the follow- for ourselves. To walk in the fear of God, believing ing constitution .... If any girl misses more than three Him to be the Creator and Controller of the Universe. unexcused meetings per semester, she will be per- To keep alive our reverence for sacred things manently dropped from sorority membership. keeping our thoughts clean, our purpose high, our honor above reproach. Excerpts from the Creed of Delta Sigma Kappa Excerpts from the Constitution of Iota Gamma Chi 142
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