Page 147 - YB1970
P. 147
We, the members of Phi Alpha Mu, do hereby in~ The object of this club shall be to create friendship s+i+ute and establish this constitution and by-laws and understanding among its members and fellow for the purpose of promoting a better spirit of fellow- students and to uphold the ideals of the school both ship and a feeling of equality among club and non- academically and socially A special meeting of club girls; thereby inculcating fine ideals and en- the sorority shall be called by the officers in the thusiastic attitudes toward participation in the intel- event that any member has been accused of a serious lectual, social, and spiritual life of the students of breach of administration and/or sorority rules and Western Maryland College. regulations. The club shall deal with such situations as they see fit. Preamble of the Constitution of Phi Alpha Mu Excerpts from the Constitution of Sigma Sigma Tau 143
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