Page 58 - YB1965
P. 58
ECONOMICS DEPARTMENT Old battles to be won with new opponents as the econ department presented a complete face lift to those daring to engage in a few skirmishes with it ... Waving a terrorist banner, Dr. Bob Coleberd {Ir.] was a genial, but dange- rous, foe who always produced a secret weapon guaranteed to unplug anyone's umbilical cord from the flower of capi- talism at that day of reckoning ... Prof. Warren and Mr. Mack also proved trying to those who thought them untried . . . Like, compare the standard deviation of weights of Western Maryland football players to the distribution of Zsa-Zsa Gabor. Robert E. Coleberd, Jr., A.B., M.B.A., A.M., Ph.D. Associate Professor of Economics H. Kenneth Shook, A.B., A.M. Instructor in Mathematics Anthony Mach, A.B., M.B.A. Instructor in Economics Clyde A. Spicer, A.M., A.M., Ph.D. Professor of Mathematics, Head of Mathematics Department Howard E _Warren, B.S., M.S. Visiting Assistant Professor of Economics Frederick P. Keppel, A.B., C.P.A. Special Instructor in Business Administration
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