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CHEMISTRY DEPARTMENT Anyone can do well in freshman chemistry, and the only background that you need is: algebra and some trigonometry, plus twelve years of differential calculus ... That smell? Oh, that's nothing, a little mustard gas prepared by the organic class .. No, he didn't shave his eye. brows, his flask blew up yesterday ... This is my fifth qual analysis, and I'm sure I've discovered a new element ... " Laboratories in phys- ical chemistry could be interesting if we did hormone analysis ... " Samuel B. Schofield, A.B., A.M., Sc.D. Professor oj Chemistry Donald E. Jones, A.B., Ph.D. Assistant Projessor oj Chemistry Thomas B. Cobb, A.B., M.S. Instructor in Physics PHYSICS DEPARTMENT "Is the period over?-Just one more thing. Lab reports and semester break Or is it the museum? ... Roll your own cigarettes Therefore ... And we have . . . Good eyesight or optics labs . . . And we can show that .. Large classes . . . Apply this to get that . The "French" influence. . "Just this one thing 57
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