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LILYAN YVONNE OSTEEN ENGLISH Delta Sigma Kappa (Business manager 4); French Club 1; MSM 1; Choir 1,2; Girls' Intramurals 1,2,4; 50S 2; Girls' Rifle Team 3; Junior Follies; SeA 4; ALOHA (Co-typing editor); FAe; English Club 3,4; Tutoring Service 4. "Y-vonne" Thought Western eiv a snap! .. Member of P.K. Society .. "Early to bed, early to rise, etc." . Coffee! Coffee! .. How vulgar! ... Oh, really? . What would I do with out you Graham? ... Loves "atmos- phere" Rooms with "Sylvester" ... Eats burned pop- corn One of the fourth floor Angels ... The traveler "I left my heart in San Francisco ... DANIEL RALPH PEARSON SOCIOLOGY Alpha Gamma Tau; Football Team 1,2,3,4; Basketball Team 1; Track Team 1; SGA 2. "Danny" ... Sabbatical man .. Student ... Football frogman .. "Where's my acetylene torch Woh?" ... Alpha Gamma Tau all the way ... Blue and White B.Ball ... Rooms with a Schvouge. . Summer School standout ... Tried to tie a button to his whistle hut it wouldn't go around his neck. "The student home from Sabbatical." BARBARA BEA PETSCHKE PHYSICAL EDUCATION-BIOLOCy.EDUCATION Sigma Sigma Tau (SGA representative 2); Trumpeter; Beta Beta Beta 2,3.4; Class officer (Vice. president 1,2,3,4, Presi- dent 1,2); WAA 1,2,3,4 (Manager 3, President 4). SGA 1,2.3; Women's Council 1,2; Girls' Tntramurals 1,2,3,4; FAC; ALOHA; Canterbury Club 1,2; Student Leadership Conference 2,3,4; Junior Follies. "Barb" .. Four-year roommate plan. Red and Gray and Red and Blue ... "Ralph" in the closet ... Always smiling ... President again?! ... His name is Streett! . "This combination rings a hell with me!" "I see a bull" ... Penthouse in 4th floor Heaven ... Break- fast Club ... Big gold Trumpet. 102
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