Page 107 - YB1965
P. 107
DANA LYNORE POFFENBERGER HISTORy.EDUCATiON Delta Sigma Kappa; IRe 2,3,4; SNEA 1,3,4 {Yice-presi- dent 4); Junior Follies; Girls' Intramurals 1,2; GOLD BUG 1,2; MSM I; Wesleyanettes 2,3. "Poff" ... Three minus one triple ... Annual coconut cracking ceremony PK Br-idge fan-"Hey, we need a fourth" .. SIesta time-c-t'No, T wasn't really sleep ing" ... Puppets on a Christmas door . Coifs by Dana ... "Get out that ole silver goblet. .. . .. Ocean City, N.J., here I come! ... World's best "speler" ... Industrious scholar. . Procrastination, I know ... Who me? )0 ANN RAGLAND ENGLISH·EoUCATlON Sigma Sigma Tau; Girls' Intramurals 1,2; Choir 2; CON. TRAST 4; Alumni Magazine 4; junior Follies. "Io" ... "Wossi" ... "Hi Gang!" ... 169 ... A first generation David House girl ... Three years in a house ... One of the the "Three ugly roommates" ... Barney's Barf Bucket Brigade "Joseph" . Who me behind?!!! .. Freudian slips! Fifteen ... An English major with strong interests in the pbys ed department ... Never a triple trouble. DOLLIE ANN RAYFIELD MATHEMATICS·EDUCATION Delta Sigma Kappa; Choir 1,2; Girls' Intramurals 1,2,3,4; CONTRAST 1,2,3; FAC; ALOHA 4; SNEA 4; Junior Fol· lies; Hockey Team 3; Basketball Team 2,3,4; WAA 2,3. "Dollie Ann" ... Four year roommate plan. . "Me, too, Meredith!". . Honorary member of the Coon Club ... "Danny Boy" 10:00 pizza ... Dining hall abstainer .. Clyde's Clan Letter a day for four years I've so much work to do, I think I'll watch television I don't have a Southern accent .. Love that Eastern Shore! . A-No.-l answerer of the phone. . Engaged 1% years. "Just waiting for June!" 103
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