Page 101 - YB1965
P. 101
"This is why I moved out of the Preacher section." DOUGLAS HOAGLAND MAcEWAN SOCIOLOGY Intramural Sports 1,2,3,4; Basketball Team 1; Baseball Team 2; Junior Follies; SGA Leadership Conference 4; SGA 4; Alpha Gamma Tau. "Doug". . Skinny McQue ... Says he's a pitcher .. Biggest linesman ... Preacher sweetheart ... "Sue is my idol" ... "Are we in color Ozzie?" ... "Klitzberg's 'voice'" .. #55 ... "What happened to my car?" ... Sammy T. Baxter. LORNA MARY McDONALD MATHEMATICSĀ·EDUCATION ALOHA; Junior Follies; Canterbury Club 1,2; Sigma Sigma Tau. "Lori" . Good ole Nellie ... Bridge 1,2,3,4 .. High- land lassie ... Magic Math Major Grunin!!;'s sabbatical ... Floating freshman ... Knitress New Jersey accent -coffee .. Swinging_wing ... It's Rappy-Nappy Time. { "Uncle Sam finally gave me a hid." KATHIE ANN McGAULEY FRENCH-EDUCATION Contrast 1,2; Pep Club 3; French Club 1,2,3,4 (Secretary 3); Newman Club 1,2; Sigma Sigma Tau. "Ravelli" Bunny pledgmaste- ... Taught guitar 109 "He is not a Fink!" ... Mercy bowcoops ... Sold swampland in Florida ... Almost made it to France .. "I said, 'Kiss my toe,' not bite it!" .. Dav and petit Daveed ... MRS. degree before A.B. ... THE GROUP ... Ad- vocator of Vetville ... Changing diapers isn't bad, but OR those two o'clock feedings! . Changed roommates "Doesn't the Wedding March sound good . De's a hobaat . PG'. on the guitar?" 97
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