Page 111 - YB1965
P. 111
"Guess I'll just wait here until the crowd goes in.' HELEN CLAIRE ROLKER ENGLISH Dorm Council (Fire warden 4); Artists Anonymous 1,2; Girls' Intramurals 1; May Court 2; FAe; Phi Alpha Mu. "Rolks" ... "That's dose!" ... Marlboro maiden. "Quick, the trash can!" .. Three to one purple punch · . "Irving says" ... Olive Office ... Swinging Wing · .. Famous for her dorm voice ... "Am I disturbing you?" · .. McDaniel's favorite fire warden ... What a lunchmeat! Dennis Darling ... "Show Me the Way to Go Home" · .. Always saves the best until last ... Four year member of the F in M Club. "Purple flats certainly can't be considered dirlyrushing .. I!" HELEN JOYCE RUSSELL ENGLlSH·EDUCATION GOLD BUG 1,2,3,4 (News editor 3, Associate editor 4); Porn Poms 3,4; College Players 2,3,4; Canterbury Club 2,3,4; ALOHA; Junior Follies; SNEA 1,4; Publications Board 3; Young Republicans 3,4; Phi Alpha Mu. "Joyce" ... Kissed in a cow stall! ... Javelin, 2 . Fell in love in ye Olde Arm Pitte, 3 ... High above Kyugah's waters, 4 ... Guest room of MeD House ... "Ceee, Louise" ... Esta Honey's mother Blue-eyed Little Orphan Annie ... Dean Russell Soft spoken? . The Cecil B. DeMille of WMC, with a cast of thousands. SUSAN MAXINE SACHS ENGLISH-EDUCATION GOLD BUG 1,2,3,4 (News editor 4); SGA 3,4; Junior Follies; JSA 1; College Players 3,4; SNEA 3,4; Delta Sigma Kappa. "Sue" Don't call me Saxy Second floor room decor- ated in Naval Academy Modern "No, it's not an Austin- Healy. but this car has character!" From sophomore with senior to senior with sophomore Delta Sigma Kappa's Uncle Sam "Let's try an B-page GOLD BUG this week, Bobbi" One of Esta's Honeys ... My heroes: James Bond, William Tribby, and Roger Staubach ... "No, not pinned, but we're still night-shirred and tooth- brushed!" ... Overnights at the Earll's. "It's 3 o'clock in the morning ... 107
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