Page 109 - YB1965
P. 109
"We'll clean tomorrow, Bud, I'm busy studying," MARVIN SAVIDGE REITZ, JR. CHEMISTRY College Band 1,3; Orchestra 1; Choir 1,2; Wrestling Team 1; Argonauts; Bela Beta Beta 4; Alpha Gamma Tau (Cor- responding secretary 2). "Rodent" ... Laboratory Giant ... Has Cat and Hayseed for lab partners . Rooms with a hillbilly and money- lender _. Guitar man and would-be vocalist for several folk groups ... "Wilmer and I got the tidiest room in the dorm" ... Winner of Brown Suit Award 1962 .. Cut down in his prime by a freshman girl in his junior year .. "Can I go to the fraternity meeting tonight, Sherry?" .. All OTT '6[.'62. ARTHUR ALBERT RENKWITZ PHYSICAL EDUCATiON-EDUCATION Football Team 1,2,3,4 (Co-captain 4); Lettermen's Club 2,3,4 (Sergeant-at-arms 4); Track Team 1,2,3,4; Tennis Team 3,4; Delta Pi Alpha. "Frosty" . __ All Summer School 3,4 _ .. "No, I didn't say that! Oh, I aid?" . _ . Roomed in the zoo ... Head Loge ... I love children (other people's) ... Red Sails in the Sunset ... "What, me lie?" ... Ever get stuck with three dates at once? ... On Wob's list for four years. But she looked good in the dark! .. All Homestead .. One of the Golddust Twins (Pirate and Renk} ... She's "You ca.n almost sec the ball carrier from yours after 10 o'clock, Trainor. here." JOAN MARILYN ROBERTS BIOLOGY Beta Beta Beta 3,4; ISC 3; Religious Life Council 4; New- man Club 1,2,3,4 (President 4); Girls' lntramurals 2; Col. lege Band 1; Iota Gamma Chi (Corresponding secretary 4). "}oanie" ... "Funny thing" . "Hi Babee!" ... Tawney Phoebe and Walter ... "Study much?" ... Animal fann . .. Ever try to study during Newman breaks? ... loanie New Girl; got "in" sophomore year Roomed in a closet junior year ... "Meredith!!" Gatta have a cup of coffee ... Biology enthusiast ... It's a great life! . "But Dean Howery, these won't be any Always loved the country ... Well-meaning friends. trouble." 105
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