Page 167 - YB1961
P. 167
.lOAN STRAFFORD LAWYER "Ninny" Poise personified Mama Scott's rig'hl arm B.\·V.'s sob counselor Not a "SOCCI' work le," a "thpcccb therapist" .. My laws, so much to do , ' . Ahseru-minderl , Phi Alph of the year Exerts ideal influence. Our owu Cwenohowcry. ROBERT ALAN LEAVEY Mathematics "Hob" Charter member of Friday Afternoon Club, Maurice's best friend, ,Bridge enthusiast. Known (or his famous bottle collectiou . , . Roomed with and corrupted Ozzie lor two years em always be recog-nized by his "shades." CHARLES FREDERICK U:F£W Sociology "Pepi" Lightest guard in WJ\'I.c. lootball history. "J hate women" "What else is there to do but go in the army for 20 years?" "L'rn going to study next week!" .. Little Napoleon of the dining hall. "Any questions?" "1 don't care what the yearbook looks like just so my books balance." "But Dr. Earp, someone has to stand lip against compulsory chapel." III>~ COII'/ ilalie nil/sling civi/;wtioJl
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