Page 164 - YB1961
P. 164
SARAH ROSE KAJD[ English Education "Roses" "I'm not worrying but _" .. Perfectionist .. Burns the midniglH and morning oil "Roommate, wake me up in 15 minutes." . Tried four years to be efficient. "What .uu I going to do with my hair?" i\Iost Iaithf'ul to her skunk bank Orig'inalor of "Baby Roommate." CAROL LUCILLE KAMi\IERER Home Economics - Education "Carol" Organization personified. The other "twin" Makes ideal "eggs ~ la goldenrod" Four year room- mate plan. "Anyone for water-skiing?" Liked living in the Management House! Majored in extra-curricular ac tiviues in senior ycar. . English minor with a flair for jour- nalism Noll', if we move this article over here CHARLOTTE MARGARET KARL Mathemiltics - Education 3; Westminster Felluw- Tall . . Charlotte" "Entrcz!" Clothes conscious-wrinkle rnutious Doubles for Dr. Spicer in the dorm. . Advocates after dinner walks. Promoter of contact lenses. "That's neat!" "1 don't mean you, but everybody's been in this room today and J'm not getting anything done." . Believes exam period should be a period of relaxation. "Efficiency is our most important product." Caffein fiend . .., elill {/,illh of ,,,,1/,,,- ways 10 sjJend Pllyli/!/e."ยท
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