Page 171 - YB1961
P. 171
fERE MICHAEL l'I'!ILLER Economics Pi GOII/IllO NIl! 3,'1. "jere' Hails from above the Mason-Dixon line. . Trans- ferred Irom York .Junior College Traded chemistry fOJ economics Plans to graduate 1"1'011) \V.iH.C. in February, 1%2. Sporadic golfer Hopes La break into the business world after graduation CHARLES LUTHER l'dITCHELL, .JR . . A happily married Bachelor residing in panoramic "Imagine, 185 days h-orn now 1"11 be sitting in my OWII horne eating a steak!" "Never buy a foreign carl" The only guy who went to Poly to become a minister A sharpshooter 011 the rifle range and a straight-shooter in life. WJLLlA?-,,1 ELJ iVIOORE Economics "Bill". Roomed with a Mouse and a Ioorbal! suu Denies the fact that he's losing his hail Dr. Price of the Junior Follies ... Only grasshopper to ride a kayak . Still thinks Cencrul Lee won rhe Civil war Proud possessor of a bunny jacket and a Chinese god of joy.
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