Page 170 - YB1961
P. 170
.JAi\'IES FRANK MATOUSEK, JR. Biology - Education "Moose" .... SOrt-spoken, former pre-fliglll who LLlmbl,ed to the depths 01 til? Pit .' Honorary PI Advocate of II th COlllm~nd- ment . Didn't mind S.ulllmcr Camp. Likes southern-tried captains Learned religion in Chapel. Has attended loot- bnll practice Subtle tastes in humor. RO.BERTA JEAN SHADRACH i'vfAY English Education I; CONTRI\ST 2; Della Sig'lIIa KlljJPa; Third generation McDaniel Bohemian . . . Cigies ... Traded The House lor a home "I'm comin'" "Say, do you have any more ol that?" _ .. And her shoes keep walkin' back "YOLl really don't like Faulkner! P" Co-creator of the Square Knights Resembles husband. DORIS AGNES MILES English - Education . One of Ninny's NUllS Sparkling blue eyes Red and \'\Ihite convertible. . [erseyitc _ .. Four year room- mate plan Nell' incentive Ior going to breakfast in senior year Twirler.. Never an argument "\'Vho me?" lGG
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