Page 166 - YB1961
P. 166
Do ),011 "iw")',~cllrry YOI/l lelll/is mcltet /oirlJlciJ? PATRICIA ANN KREBS History - Education Sports I, 2, 4; Sigma Eats daily-exercises nightly. O.C. was paradise Found on tennis court before breakfast . Whitfield fan Willing to try anything once ... Exp~rt on foreign affairs Willing to debate anytime. Authoruy on cocktail section Learned to know [he Chutinga. PATRICIA ANN LAKIN Art - English - Education French Club I, 2; SEA. 3, 4; Phi Alpha Mit; junior Follies; "Pat" ... Poet at seances. "whcre's Marv the Fairy?" Never without a smile Fashion conscious.. "How do you spell Carroll Minthdropp?" Known as Sol bY,Saddie wart remover . Pours water under doors at mIdnight. Disorgunizntion personified One of the Nurcls. JOANNE LOUISE LAMB Home Economics - Education Squish! .. _ Once made table decoration with Professional student Lived with jeanie Ambition to dance in thc Follies Bcr- gerc ... Cooks with irnagination Always seen with Peg Senior )C
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