Page 196 - YB1960
P. 196
r- 1959 SOCCER The 1959 edition of the Western Maryland ing the season. Its play was led by Varga and College soccer team was one of the finest ever aided by Laszlo Zsebedtcs, Bob Cole, Karl to play on the college campus. Under the Silex, Sam Corbin, Don Shure, and Bill Cham- leadership of freshman coach Dennis Hannon, bers. The Terrors emphasized offense during the Terrors compiled a nine win, one loss, and the season, scoring a total of fifty-nine goals one tie record. The team was in contention for during the eleven game schedule. Aiding on Middle Atlantic and Mason-Dixon Conference offense were the aggressive plays of the Terror honors and <11050 received national recognition halfbacks, Jack Baile, Jim Gibson, Ted Kinter, from the Nationa l Collegiate Athletic and wavne Whitmore. Both Haile and Gibson Association. scored during the season. The individual star of the squad was junior The Terror's defense was one of the strong- center forward and Co-Captain George Varga, est in the league. Led by Co-Captain John probably the finest player in the history of Karrer, fullbacks Bob Hyde and Norman Western Maryland College and one of the top Davis, and stellar goalie, Lloyd Musselman, players in the country. George holds all school the Terrors gave up no more than three goals records for scoring during the season as his in any game and achieved four shutouts. final total reached thirty-one. George also holds To coach Denny Harmon, his first season the total number of goals for one game, scor- proved to be a memorable one. To the many ing ten against Lycoming. fans of the team, it was a team of which The entire Terror line was outstanding dur- W.M.e. could be proud. Denny Harmon,coach Boh Harris, manager
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