Page 195 - YB1960
P. 195
Bob Cuthrell, QB. George Becker, HB T.he 1959 Western Maryland College football Halfback Ceorge Becker was the fastest team witnessed the final performance of six man on the 1959 Green Terror eleven. George Terror seniors. These six include Co-Captains is a twenty-one year old English major from Fred Burgee and Joe Bender, quarterbacks Al Upper Darby, Pennsylvania. This season Dworkin and Boh Cuthrell, halfback George George finally displayed the ability that bas Becker, and end Jack Fringer. been predicted for him over the past four sea- Co-Captains Fred Burgee and Joe Bender, sons. As a result he enjoyed his finest collegiate two of the squad's most important linemen, led campaign, culminating in his perfcnnance in the team capably throughout the season. Their the Hopkins encounter, for which be received loss will be greatly noticed. the games' Outstanding Player Award. The Terrors lose two fine quarterbacks in Al Jack Fringer, playing his first season .1S end Dworkin and Bob Cuthrell. Al and Bob en- after several years as a center, anchored down gaged in the lively battle for the quarterback the Terror line. A native of Westminster, slot during the season. Their presence guaran- Maryland, this twenty-one year old physical teed depth in one of the most important posi- education majer was one of the squad's lead- tions on the team. Al Dworkin, a twenty-two ing pass receivers during the season and proved year old biology-cut major from Baltim~)re, to be mere than adequate on both offense and Maryland, was the biggest and one of the fast- defense. est men in the backfield. Bob Cuthrell, a still" To all the seniors on the 1£59 Green Terral pole vaulter during the spring, h'lil~ eleven, the squad and campus extends their Dover, Delaware. This economics major lur- appreciation for the contribution they made to rushed some of the Terrors most exciting pass the Terror's successful campaign. plays during the season. .ra"k Fringer, E. Al Dworkin, QB .
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