Page 124 - YB1960
P. 124
A M "History will tell us" that in the world of tetning at Springfield State Hcspttal were purple and white, many Phi Alph sisters other Christmas projects served in campus activities, under the spomor- In January, the Phi Alphs honored their ship of Mrs. Richard Pugh. sacred cow with a banquet consisting of steak. Early in September, the new herd of calves Continuing in the tradition of good, social life, stampeded from the "kicking post" through the sorority was host to the freshmen women initiation, under the watchful eyes of t.heir over the purple punch bowl. T11e basketball sisters, swelling the sorority's number to and bridge teams were cheered on to fame by seventy. They were no sooner branded, than the purple and white rooters they were busy selling sandwiches to profit Swe.ltshirts were exchanged for crisp new the support of their adopted war orphan. jackets signifying the coming of spring. Homecoming saw many returning Phi Alph Synonymous with the season was the bustle or alumni and they all gave a nod of approval as preparing their storybooklaud for the fresh- the sorority took first prize in the display man rush party; allowing the present sorority division members to become better acquainted with With humorous poems, Christmas stockings, the class. Highlighting the farewell banquet was the and cocoa, the Phi Alphs shared in the spirit distribution of the "Torch," the Phi Alph yem- of the season by giving toys to a children's book, in honor of the seniors. The tributes hospital. They, in turn, received gifts at the paid to the departing seniors and the good party given to them by their brother fraternity, wishes of their sisters, showed that they were the Gamma Betes. Making scrapbooks and proud to have "worn the pin ... of Phi Alpha contributing food to a needy family und enter- !vlu." 120
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