Page 119 - YB1960
P. 119
s o R o R I T I INTEUI'IIA'rl:HNITY COUNCil, E FI'UII/. r()lV, left 10 rig!,t: J. Gibson, A. Dworkin Scoomi !'Ow: D. Smith, A. Ward, H. Hyou. S a INTERFRATERNITY COUNCIL "d The promotion of cooperation among the fraternities is the purpose of the Iuterfraternrry Council. Working in connection with the Intersorority F Council it spent much time this year reviewing the regulations of fraternity R initiation during Hell Week. In addition, the council sponsored tea dances after all horne football games, set up the interfraternity ping-pong tourna- A ment, and planned the Pan. Hellenic weekend. The membership consists of the presidents and vice presidents of each T fraternity and a representative chosen by the fraternity. The officers of the E group rotate each yeilr among the fraternities. Officers for first semester were R president, James Gibson; vice president, Joseph Bender; secretary, Douglas Smith; treasurer, Allan Dworkin. The advisor of the group is Dean N William David. I T I E 115 S
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