Page 122 - YB1960
P. 122
Iota Cumma Chi Officers FIHST SEMESTEH OFFICEHS President ._ .._.Jessie Bazzeghin I.S.C. Repreeentouce [can Davis Vice President Judy Long S.C.A Representative Toni Steinacker Recording Seoretoru ... .judy Tye Sunshine Cliairman Barbara 'Nilson Correepotvung Secre/aflJ . Karol Kalloway Historian .. .Cnrolyn Bowcn Treasurer _ Judy Kerr Business Ma/lager Marcia 'Wilson Chaptatn: .Mary Jo Smith lOT A Gamma Chi .. the best sorority. soro,rity donated a basket of food to a needy These strains soon became very familiar to Family in Westminster. The delightful Santa's new "baby pirate" pledges. This year the totes workshop was on hand to add cheer and welcomed six sophomores to membership. decoration to the campus. At the Christmas Through the initiation period the pledges, party presented by the Alumni, the new co- wearing the colors of red, white and black, sponsor, Dr. Arlene Heggemeter, was installed. came to know and cherish the ideals of friend- Spring brought new efforts to improve the .:~~~~~~g\~~;.~;~~irl~~~:te~h~n~le~~:~~~~~l:e~~ basketball team. The newly acquired black and red sweatshirts finally arrived and thc reered" for extra duties. They cleverly com- girls began to sport them to practice in prepar- posed many tunes which were presented to the ation for the approaching Intersoronty tourna- students before meals. ment. The freshmen women were in for a Appearing first on the program for Pledge special treat at the roller skating rush party. Night, the girls skit depicted how a pledge was As a money making project, the club began born into sisterhood from the intangible selling Avon products to the women students ingredients which go to make an lote. of the campus. Perhaps others have noticed the The Homecoming Parade found some of girls' sorority pills which arc of their own the ststers riding in a new white convertible design. brightly decorated. Their float, showing a As the year closes, the sisters of Icta Gamma Drexel dragon being chased into a cave by the Chi bid farewell to six senior graduates but Tenor, was most imaginative. the meaning of th~il dub will long follow In keeping with the spirit of Christmas the them throughout life. 118
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