Page 128 - YB1960
P. 128
A r T AlphaCmnlllU TuuOfhccrs FIHST Sm.'IESTEH OFF'lCEBS Presidclll _ __.. ._._ Allan Dworkin Chaplain . Charles Mitchell Vice Prcsidelll _ Clark Kirkman Sergeant-at-anws Hobert Browning Sccreumj _ .. Powell Anderson Correspouding Secretanj . Hobert Johnson Treasure! _ .i.Ronuld Hannan Twenty-four new members pledged to the Possessing a strong alumni association, the Alpha Gamma Tau colors of blue and white in Bachelors attended several social affairs in the 1'<111 of the year. Blue alpine hats with Baltimore, one in the fall following the Hop- feathers and the familiar toot of the horns kins football game, and a second in the spring. added to the color and confusion of Hell At Christmas, their sister sorority, Delta Sigma Week, as the pledges tried to do the impos- Kappa, was entertained in the clubroom with .1 sible, namely keep their elder brothers happy. party. Exchanging gifts highlighted the activi- The blue and white jackets could be seen ties of ~he evening. During this season a more often as the size of the fraternity was basket of food was sent to a needy family. As greatly increased exams neared the tension of the campus was released by a fraternity party sponsored by the Indoctrinated in the ideals of Brotherhood, brothers of the blue and white. Scholarship, Social Interests, Physical Ability, Personal Conduct, and Perfection, the new Second semester found the plans of the brothers joined their elders in the work of the Sweetheart Dance well under way, as valen- year. This was started by providing refresh- tine's day was approaching. Having been ments on sale during all home football games promised the proper atmosphere the fellows and at basketball games during the winter, a called their favorite girl for ,1 date. service which required both time and energy. Participation with great zeal, won the intra- MI". Richard Pugh was sponsor of the group mural football tournament for the Bachelors, during the year. A year which proved most a feat which they achieved for the third con- successful, and which will be long remem- secutive time. bered by the brothers. 124
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