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Starting off a great year, the Sigmas re- brighter, the Sigmas' brother fraternity, the ceived into membership twenty-five new mem- Black and W.hites, gave them a party. bers. Hell Week took its course, being as much Following rhe return from the holidays, the fun for the older members, as for the Skunks. second semester officers were elected. At the Late in October, these brand new Sigmas were annual sorority banquet they were installed seen on campus proudly displaying shiny into office and thus ,1 new year began for silver pledge pins. Sigma Sigma Tau. with the coming of November, enthusiastic First all the agenda was the forming of a members joined together to work on the sorority basketball team. After many practices, Homecoming Heat end display. The Sigmas the team felt that they were really once again gave a rousing cheer at the Homecoming game to take part in the intersorority basketball upon learning that their float had tied for first tournaments. place. It was at this time of the year also that the November also brought the good news that preparations were being made for the fresh- the sorority had won the scholarship cup for man tea. This was followed, later on in the U1e third consecutive year which meant per- year, by the sorority rush party. The entertain- manent ownership. ment was once agatn presented to the A cheery "Merry Christmas" greeted busy freshmrm girls as the «Sigma Circus." In the Sigmas, as they prepared for the Christmas spring "The Silver Lining," the Sigma year- season and their annual Christmas party. The book, was also published. gifts exchanged by the members were sent to The drew to a dose with the farewell needy families. To make the season even banquet tho departing seniors. FI HST SE~'IESTER OFFICERS President _ ___Jean Hoberts I.S.C. Reprcsentatice .Brenda Stevens Vice Preetdent. _ ,. .Joan Wood C/wp/ain Dorothy Holland Secretary __ _ .__.Chnrlctte Prevost S.G.A. Reovesentouce __. . Dianne Bell Treasurer _________Mina Kirby Aillmlli Secret(lr!! ___. . Cai! Drake Sergeant-at-arms Sylvia Scott SI/!lshille Messeuger, . joanne Lamb Sigmn Sigma Tau Officers 123
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