Page 117 - YB1960
P. 117
PUBLICATIONS BOARD The Publications Hoard, which is composed newly formulated Board, Priscilla Ord, chair- of ten members, was estilblished this yenr as man, Tom Albertson, Ronald Harman, Mary an advisory committee for the campus journal- Catherine .tVlcCormk:k, Powell Anderson, istic efforts, the ALOHA, Contrast, and the Gold Susan Wheeler, Constance Shankle, Mrs. Bug. The Board serves to define the individual Marcia Hovey, and .Miss Nancy winkelman. wants and needs or each publication, in addi- Meetings are held each Wednesday after- tion to offering recommendations for definite noon in the Student Government Council study of publications and acting as a critic ami Hoom and in many cases interested persons of review board of past publications. Also the the student body ure invited to attend. committee discussed the various facts of pub- Principal among the Board's projects this lications such as budget and finances, public year, has been a series of planned meetings relations and good editing. dealing with the fundamentals of publishing. Those persons holding automatic member- This series specifically stressed a development ship on the Board are the editors, business of a deeper understanding of the art of print- managers, and advisors of each publication. In ing. Tn addition to the lectures given by Miss addition, a member-at-large from the student \Vinkelman and others, displays, movies and hody, and a member of the Student Life Coun- slides were presented as visual aids. cil, both of whom are elected by the Student This board has proven its worth and need Life Council, serve as members. From among in its combined efforts to improve Western the Board members a chairman is elected. inter-publ.ication relationships and This year the following people served on the organization 113
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