Page 118 - YB1959_Classical
P. 118
Delta Sigma Kappa Front row, left to right: C. Ritchie, A. Voshell, B. Adamska. Second row: N. Haas, H. Whitmore, B. Reid, E. Lallas, A. Palmer. FIRST SEMESTER OFFICERS President . Betty Reid Chaplain .------ Patricia Smyth Vice-president Marsha Reifsnyder Sergeant-at-arms Nancy Haas Recording Secretary. .Harriet Whitmore Intersorority Representative Martha Harrison Alumnae Secretary Carolyn Ritchie S.G.A. Representative Ann Palmer Treasurer -------------------------- Eva Lallas Business Manager Anne Voshell Twenty-one "Baby Delts", dressed in gala food, clothing and other essentials. The Delts costumes of Valentines and 29'ers, began this also offered help to the administration when year's activities for Delta Sigma Kappa. The willing hands were needed, and supported a fall semester was marked by such memorable "keep the campus clean" campaign. events as a Halloween party, an informal roller The new year ushered in many more activ- skating party and bowling parties. The interior ities for the Delts: basketball and bridge tour- decorating committee, continuing its work naments, a January rush tea, the Birthday ban- from last year, bought new sectional sofas for quet in February and a rush party late in the the clubroom. At the Christmas party, where spring. Another year was brought to a close gifts were exchanged, the Bachelors, their with the senior farewell banquet in May. It brother fraternity, also gave the Delts an was at this banquet that the senior Delts upholstered bench. became most conscious of the meaning of The Delt Church Sunday plan was con- Delta Sigma Kappa. Delta signifies justice; tinued this year, as Delt sisters visited various Sigma signifies unity; Kappa signifies churches in the community. As a service proj- good fellowship. ect, a needy family was adopted and given 114
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