Page 114 - YB1959_Classical
P. 114
Left to right: D. Mathias, B. Stevens, B. Holman, N. Helwig, J. Zajac, P. Welk, A. Arent, M. Keeler. Lutheran Student Association Methodist Student Movement The Lutheran students on campus unite in The Methodist Student Movement promotes worship, study and fellowship under the name Christian fellowship and ideals among Metho- of the Lutheran Student Association. Mr. and dist students. Its meetings provide opportunity Mrs. Carl Schaeffer act as their sponsors, and for study of Methodism and acquaintance with Rev. Dr. Elwood S. Falkenstein of the Grace others of the same denomination. Lutheran Church serves as their advisor and This year the M.S.M. held a benefit banquet guest speaker several times during the year. for Margaret Whitfield, a missionary in Japan. The high point of the group's activities each A student directory was published for the first year is the North Atlantic Regional meeting time this year. Annual projects include a at Buck Hill Falls in Pennsylvania. Other proj- Christmas party for underprivileged children ects include a hike to Cunningham Falls and in Westminster, spring and fall hayrides, a a spaghetti dinner in the spring. square dance and picnics held at the home of Dorothy Mathias served as president this Dr. Earl Griswold, their advisor. year with Patricia Welk as vice-president, and This year's officers were president, Ann Bea Ackerman as secretary-treasurer. Kinney; secretary, Barbara Bell, and treasurer, Ed Thigpen. "Get goin', M.S.M. hayride."
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