Page 115 - YB1959_Classical
P. 115
Front row: P. Piro, B. Beall, J. Trabucco. Second row: M. McCormick, J. Cook, C. Becker, Father Stroup, K. Mitchell, A. Weller. Third row: C. DeFlora, T. Bryan, W. Berquist, T. Hudgins, M. Schneider. Newman Club Westminster Fellowship c The Newman Club is an instructional and The religious group for Presbyterians on the social group for Catholic students. Formerly "Hill", the Westminster Fellowship, meets to known as the Carroll Club, it was chartered in bring interested people together for fellowship, 1957 ~s the Newman Club. worship, fun and service. The aim of this Under the direction of Father Stroup of St. group is to give Presbyterians a "home" youth John's Church in Westminster, the group works group. with the National Newman Federation on The activities of the Westminster Fellow- various club newspapers and in the planning ship this year have centered around helping of the annual Regional Convention. Among the new Presbyterian church in Westminster. other yearly activities is the communion break- Their annual Christmas party was held at the fast held in May. home of the sponsors, Dr. and Mrs. Karl Officers for the year were president, Kath- Lockwood. erine Mitchell; secretary, Geraldine DeFlora; Virginia Pott served as president this year, treasurer, George Becker; and S.C.A. Repre- with Harriet Whitmore as vice-president, and sentative, Jill Brown. Ann Palmer working with Susan Wheeler as program co-chairmen. Front row: N. Turner, L. Styche, P. McIntyre, S. Wheeler, V. Pott, M. Woodward, S. Kajdi, C. Karl, H. Whitmore.
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