Page 110 - YB1959_Classical
P. 110
The S.C.A. cabinet welcomes new members at the candlelight service. Student Christian Association The Student Christian Association is organ- Communions, Easter Service and play and ized to serve the needs of all students in a spring picnics. search of deeper faith and maturing religious This year the S.C.A. has taken great pride in experiences in daily living on and off the having sent several delegates to the National campus. The theme for the year, "Conscience "Y" Student Assembly in December, at the Uni- on Campus", was carried out through a varied versity of Illinois. Much prayer, work and program under the direction of the faculty money went into this project. advisors and student officers. The sponsor of the S.C.A. is Dr. Charles The S.C.A. is subdivided into denomina- Crain; the Administrative advisor is Dean tional groups, Sunday Fellowship, the Wes- Helen Howery; and the Faculty Advisors are leyans and Wesleynettes. Projects for the year Major Alfred Clark, Dr. Karl Lockwood and include monthly firesides, spring and fall Dr. Earl Griswold. This year's officers were vespers, the Halloween "Goblin Hop", Christ- president, Allen Spicer; vice-president, Melba mas Communion Service, Interdenominational Lou Nelms; secretary, Esther Upperco; and Christmas parties, W.U.S. Bazaar, Lenten treasurer, Thomas Albertson. Seated, left to right: A. Brown, A. Kinney, T. Albertson, A. Spicer, Dr. C. Crain, M. Nelms, E. Upperco. Standing: J. Long, P. Kurdle, L. Martin, B. Bell, M. Kirby, J. Wood, V. Pott, D. Deland, L. Stone, D. Bell, R. Otto, E. Thigpen.
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