Page 109 - YB1959_Classical
P. 109
Setting the beat for the Homecoming parade, the College Band circles Hoffa Field. The twirling squad of major- ettes steps quickly before them. College Band and Orchestra The Western Maryland College Band and time activities at the football games. Orchestra was officially organized in Septem- The aim of the band is to provide a means ber, 1957. It is composed of thirty-two mem- of personal expression through musical per- bers, and membership is open to the whole formances. This is carried out during the fall student body. Under the direction of Mr. semester by a marching band whichs works Frank Petroulis this year's officers were these: hand-in-hand with the pompom girls and the president, James Worden; librarian, Donald cheerleaders to provide support for the foot- D'Angelo; secretary, Bess Adamska, assistant- ball team. Following the football season, the librarian, Brady Roberts. The twirling squad band joins with other students, forming the of majorettes consists of Beverly Schott, leading College Orchestra. Highpoints of the year and followed by Jacqueline Cook and Carol include the student conductors' program and Westerfield. These girls add their high-step- the spring concert. ping talents to parades, pep rallies, and half- Patricia Garcia leads the orchestra in preparation for its January concert.
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